Our next meeting is Wednesday November 13th at 7:00PM

Building a better world with Friendship, Love, and Truth

Odd Fellows Plano invites you to explore the Community that is Odd Fellowship. Our lodge is a family of brothers and sisters working to build a world that we want to leave to our children's, children's, children.

We offer a unique environment of caring and supportive folks to learn and grow with and we strive to become better people as we provide a way to support many local, national and international charities. The moment you walk into our Odd Fellowship Hall you will be met with the warmth and comradery that has been built by 200 years of our foundational beliefs of Friendship, Love, and Truth.

The Independent Order of Odd Fellows is, among other things, a charitable organization that uses much of the money it brings in to give help to worthy organizations, events and individuals. If you are looking for a opportunity to be of service to your community, while enjoying making new friends, there is a place for you with us in this organization!

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